Young people are faced with a complex set of demands when making themselves ready for their future careers. Driffield School and Sixth Form aims to ensure that our students are self-confident, skilled and career-ready. This is achieved through a programme of activities that span every year group, from Year 7 through to Year 13 and beyond to continually develop their employability skills.
Key features
-Access to a diverse and relevant range of activities that inspire them, including employer talks, apprenticeship providers, motivational speakers, college and university visits and access to coaches and mentors.
– Access to our Enterprise Adviser; BAE Systems. This partnership will help our school to improve our local, regional, national and international labour market information. It will develop awareness of local training and apprenticeship opportunities and enhance students’ employability skills.
– Links with a large range of local employers, to help boost attitudes and employability skills and the opportunity to learn about the range of roles available post 16 and post 18.
– Voluntary work experience provision where it is appropriate and beneficial. This includes the opportunity to take part in the employer led programme at Sixth Form, the VYPER Scheme at Sixth Form, The National Citizen Service at Year 11 and 12.
– Talks and accurate advice from many different providers of further education, higher education, apprenticeships, T Levels, entrepreneurialism and supported internships.
– Face-to-face advice and guidance to build confidence, motivation and increase awareness of future opportunities.
– Annual Countryside Careers Fair at the Driffield Showground every May. This shows exhibitors from over 46 different employers, further education and higher education providers, apprenticeships, T levels. It gives all our students, parents/carers the opportunity to research their potential future career or training or find part time or full time employment.
– Biannual Careers Fair held at school. This fair introduces 55+ employers, colleges, sixth forms, universities, apprenticeship providers to our students/parents/carers. It is a perfect opportunity for accurate, up to date careers advice from a large range of experts.
– Driffield School and Sixth Form is a member of the Hull and East Yorkshire Careers Hub. This ensures we are working with the Humber LEP to make sure our careers programme is ‘world class’. We work with inspirational partners, employers and training providers that benefits our students’ futures. See for more information.
– Coordinated support from dedicated external agencies and the local authority where students are vulnerable, have special educational needs or are at risk of becoming NEET.
– Information on the financial and social and emotional support available to them post-16. Pupil premium and SEND students will get additional CEIAG support where required. The Careers Advice Lead is working closely with the Pupil Premium Co-ordinators and the Trust Director of SEND to ensure all students reach their full potential.
– The opportunity to book a careers appointment with a trained specialist at school – this opportunity is available to all students in every year group. They can access careers appointments with their parents/carers if required and can have multiple appointments.
– Driffield School and Sixth Form has a dedicated Careers Section in the LRC with apprenticeships advertised, reference material on different job types, university and college prospectuses, employability skills and interview techniques.
– Weekly careers activities during form time in all year groups that promotes awareness of a wide range of career opportunities and progression routes. Clear information about labour market information is included in the form programme so they are aware of local, regional and national employment opportunities.
– Opportunity to complete the East Riding Collaborative Employability Skills Passport validated by Humber LEP on Log On Move On. This focuses on self-management, teamwork, business and customer awareness, problem solving, communication and literacy, application of number, application of digital technologies.
– Year 11s are supported with their future destinations and applications with the help of a dedicated transition interview. They access on-going support with the START careers platform and Log On Move On our local common application process.
All students are registered with START the online careers platform. We encourage parents/carers to access START at home with their child to encourage open communication about future careers choices, future studies and training. Students in Year 9, 10 and 11 will also be registered for Log On Move On. This is an excellent local careers portal and also shows open days and careers events and has an easy to use CV builder.
Other Useful Websites and Sources of Information
This helps students plan their future by showing the different careers sectors in our local area. It shows areas of employment growth and decline.
Skills Hull and East Yorkshire has brought together LMI Humber and Log On Move On. The website includes a very useful careerometer, this can be used to compare key information about occupations. It also contains a skillometer which helps students discover what jobs they might like to do in the future.
This website includes all courses that are on offer in the East Riding and Hull region. Students can apply on line direct to the colleges and schools for post 16 courses.
Students can access apprenticeship information and vacancies. Apprenticeships ensure students earn money whilst learning and working and achieve a nationally recognised qualification.
Start is an online careers platform, designed to connect Years 7-14 with their future career potential. All our students are issued with a username and password. We encourage students to access START at home with parents/carers to learn about career options and the different educational and training pathways.
Explore real life careers videos by job type or subject. Get advice on GCSE options, apprenticeships, university and future employment.
This is a great website for all young people to be inspired and learn about different real life training and future employment. It is split into 18 different sectors showing youth friendly employers.
Profiles on over 800 different types of jobs, from archivist to zoologist. Explains the skills and qualifications needed to get your ideal job. Live webchat careers advice.
This website has a useful careers quiz and over 400 job profiles which will help future employment research.
UCAS connects students to university, post uni studies, internships including teacher training and apprenticeship.
Explore different apprenticeships, T levels, traineeships. This website provides excellent podcasts and webinars for students and parents/carers.
Learn about the new T levels. This qualification is equivalent to 3 A levels and includes a 45 day industry placement. It is 80% classroom based and 20% work experience.
Driffield School and Sixth Form has a dedicated careers Section in the LRC, including apprenticeship adverts and university/college prospectuses. It also includes reference material on different job types, employability skills and interview techniques.
Additional Information
Additional information can be accessed using the links below
Students can request a Careers appointment on Mondays – Thursdays. Please email our Careers Advice Lead, Holly Robinson to book a careers appointment on:
Holly Robinson is based in the careers room in the West Building opposite West Canteen. Students can self-refer for a careers appointment or attend lunch career drop ins. They can also be referred by the Head of Year, Head of House, form tutors and teachers.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our CEIAG programme or provider access, or if you are an employer or business and wish to support our CEIAG programme then please email Ruth Mortimer, Co-ordinator of CEIAG on:
Careers Newsletter May 2023
Provider Access Process March 2023
Careers Policy March 2023
Careers Newsletter April 2023
Careers Update March 2023
Parent/Carer Newsletter January 2023
Careers Update November 2022
Careers Update October 2022
Careers Update 14.7.22
Careers Update July 2022
Careers Update April 2022
National Careers Week 2022
Parent/Carer Newsletter February 2022