At Driffield School and Sixth Form, student wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do. We work hard to ensure that our students are safe and feel safe, are cared for and supported well in school. We encourage students to tell us how they feel and listen carefully to their ideas, worries and concerns to ensure our school community is a better place for everyone.
All staff at Driffield School and Sixth form receive up to date training annually to ensure they are fully aware of any emerging issues locally and nationally, as well as being fully aware of all policies and procedures. Although keeping children safe is the responsibility of every member of staff in school, we do have a core team that are able to take a lead with specific child protection concerns.
Any safeguarding concerns from parents or students should be reported to relevant Head of Year in the first instance. If the concern is immediate please contact our Safeguarding Officer, Miss Weatherill.
Keeping Everyone Safe – Meet the Team

Designated Teacher for P/LAC – Mrs F Warren

Our pastoral team can also help out with any concerns regarding students, click here to find out more
We also have a Be Well Programme within the school which offers help and support for the emotional and mental health of our students, parents and staff. Click here for more information
The school recently launch an Online Safety Hub to help parents understand social media and other apps students like to use. Access it here
Related Policies
A copy of our child protection policies can be found below
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Driffield School Safeguarding Contacts
Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children Guidance
Online Safety Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE 2024)
Students learning about safeguarding and child protection through APEX lessons
We are keen to support students safeguard themselves and their friends by providing education through APEX, tutor time activities, assemblies and the wider curriculum to ensure they have a clear understanding of what risks they may face. This helps them to know what to look out for and know when and how to report a concern to a member of staff or adult. The topics covered are shown in the table below:

Useful Links and Numbers (General information about online safety) (Online Mental Health support) (East Riding Safeguarding Children) (Honest and to-the-point website about drug use) (Anti-bullying advice and support) (Support for grieving children) (Domestic violence, preventing terroism and other topics) (Staying safe online) (LGBTQ and Sexual Health advice) (Young peoples mental health support) (Online safety) (Preventing Radicalisation)
NSPCC (Sexual abuse) – Mind (Mental Health helpline and advice – 0300 123 3393 – Childline (24houradvice and helpline for under 18s)- 0800 111 – NSPCC Helpline (24 hour child protection helpline) – 0808 800 5000
Family Lives/Parentline (confidential texting service and helping for parents/carers) – text 07520 619919 call 0808 800 2222 – Kidscape (Bullying advice) – 020 7730 3300 -CAMHS (Young peoples Mental Health) – 01925 579405