Work Opportunities

Gain vital skills and get ahead of the rest with our work opportunities

We know that when you leave education you will be facing a highly competitive job market. We want you to stand out from the crowd and have every chance of achieving your dreams.

At Driffield Sixth Form we will help you with this and can provide you with:

· Part-time employment – Whilst studying with us you can also find part-time work that fits nicely with your studies. We employ over 50 Sixth Form students in various roles throughout the school.
· Work experience – Real life work experience is an invaluable addition to a personal statement or CV and could help you get that dream job. We can facilitate a placement in the local area.
· A mentor from the working world – A mentor can offer firsthand advice and guidance on interview technique, work experience placements, university and job applications, and can help you develop more day-to-day skills such as time management and organisation.
· Leadership opportunities – Our Student Union provides the opportunity to be an advocate for the students on whole school issues and to represent the Driffield School and Sixth Form at our open evenings, give tours of the sixth form to Year 11 students, speak in assemblies and advise potential students on their course choices. To do this role you must view the college in a positive way and be able to communicate this to new students and their parents. This can enhance your communication, interpersonal and organisational skills and can also boost your confidence.
· Volunteering opportunities – As you are not in lessons all day every day, why not use your time for hugely rewarding experiences? Being linked so closely to the school presents many opportunities for you to help teachers and younger students. In any course you study you can help Year 7 students in that subject, acting as a general classroom support. Alternatively, you could choose to be a Reading Mentor, working closely with a Year 7 student during morning registration to help improve their reading skills.

Taking part in any of the above could make all the difference to that all important job application!