Driffield School Uniform
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students. Wearing the uniform reflects a pride and sense of belonging in the school and presents our students in the best possible light to visitors and the wider community.
School uniform can be purchased from our uniform provider, Drury Sports. We continue to ensure that we minimise the number of school branded items (currently just the school jumper and/or blazer) to ensure that the uniform remains value for money and is affordable. Trousers, skirts and white shirts can be purchased from local supermarkets and other outlets. Please click here to view the uniform, including prices.
To purchase uniform, please click here to visit the website. Alternatively, you can visit the Drury Sports retail store at 51 Market Place, Driffield, YO25 6AW. 01377 241612.

Please see the school dress code below.
Please refer to the dress code when purchasing any new items of uniform.
*Students can choose to wear either a jumper or a blazer. There is no need to purchase both.
As part of the schools’ commitment to inclusion students may be exempt from certain aspects of the uniform policy due to their religion or culture. Requests should be made in writing to the Head of Year. All requests will be considered on an individual basis.

PE Kit & Sports Clothing
PE lessons form an integral part of the school’s curriculum and parents are requested to provide suitable clothing so that their child can participate. For health, hygiene and safety reasons, all students must bring a full change of sports clothing for PE lessons.
The new kit replaces the old green polo shirt and the black and green rugby shirt. However, for students who already have PE kit, it will not need replacing with the new kit until it is outgrown.
*Students are not required to purchase all 3 items, they can choose which combination they feel most comfortable in and will ensure they feel warm when outside. Students need to be comfortable to work effectively in the given uniform. No other kit will be permitted.
Shin pads and mouth guards are highly recommended for invasion games, such as hockey, football and rugby. If a student becomes involved in a competition regulated by a National Governing of Sport, then the wearing of shin pads and mouth guards will become mandatory.

A copy of the Uniform Policy is available click here
If you have queries regarding the school uniform, (including concerns over affordability) please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.