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Cornerstones/Behaviour for Learning

Our four Cornerstones of Care, Respect, Responsibility and Perseverance are at the heart of all we do at Driffield School and Sixth Form.  They permeate the life of the school and are the foundation on which we build our expectations of each other. This proactive approach to behaviour is supported by the reactive Behaviour for Learning Policy, outlined below. 


The four Cornerstones are referenced regularly in and out of lessons, with students receiving rewards in their planner whenever they demonstrate them. Displayed prominently around the school, they are visible to all members of our community, reminding us of their importance as we work as ‘One Driffield.’ Staff, students and parents recognise the importance of the Cornerstones, with visitors often commenting on the ways in which our school community shows them in action. 

In order to further embed the four Cornerstones as the foundation of daily life at our school, they have been subdivided to help us establish the exact behaviours we want to see from all members of our school community and the steps we will all take to ensure this is the reality of day-to-day life at Driffield School and Sixth Form. We as staff understand that students cannot be simply told to “behave” – they need to be taught what this looks like through clear explanations, concrete examples and consistent messages from all staff.   

Seven collaboratively designed routines are implemented by departments across the year, with Form Time and Assemblies also being used to establish social norms and provide clarity as to what we want to see from our students. Staff across the whole school have worked hard together to develop and refine these routines. We teach our students how to behave so that they, and we, fulfil our ‘One Driffield’ vision together, working side by side to develop the culture we all want to be a part of. 

Student feedback has been sought regularly since the introduction of Cornerstones in 2022, via an open forum in which students are asked questions and can share their opinions on issues related to school life. Our students can always name the four cornerstones and understand the values that they each instil across the school. Notable comments from students include: 

‘They are the sort of things you need in real life’ 

‘I like that they’re about more than just schoolwork and subjects because it’s important to get rewarded for the important real-life stuff too’ 

‘It’s about the sort of people we want to be and how we want to be with each other’ 

‘They are there to help make us into good people as well as do well in exams’  

The routines are a bit like primary where we had set ways of doing things, but we do it in all our subjects now’  

‘It’s good to be told exactly what you’re supposed to do because now we just do it automatically in different lessons too, you don’t have to guess what someone wants. It saves loads of time’ 

We are proud of the four Cornerstones at Driffield and the way that students and staff demonstrate them every day. Should you wish to learn more regarding this area of school life, please contact the school via office@driffieldschool.org.uk We are always happy to welcome visitors to the school where you will see the Cornerstones in action.  

Behaviour for Learning

Our Behaviour for Learning Policy is based around the four Cornerstones expectations of Care, Respect, Perseverance and Responsibility.  

All members of staff within the school are expected to recognise, praise and reward all students as a matter of agreed policy. Students’ achievement, effort and behaviour will be recognised and celebrated at every opportunity as we work together as One Driffield. 

For the Behaviour for Learning Policy to be successful, it is crucial that when any student makes a poor choice and demonstrates unwanted behaviour, an identified sanction or range of sanctions must follow both in and outside the classroom. Where a student has a recognised special educational need or disability that requires reasonable adjustments to be made, this will of course be taken into account. 

The Behaviour for Learning Policy is available to read here 

Should you have any questions regarding the policy, please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.  

Student Planner

The Student Planner is central to the success of this policy. The Student Planner is distributed to students in September.  It contains all the house points and written warnings gained by a student within a week, enabling swift and easy communication between home and school.

Mobile Device Guidance

The term ‘mobile device’ is used to cover all mobile phones, tablets, smart watches, music players and ear or headphones, including wireless accessories.

As part of the launch of the Be Well Programme, we have reviewed our guidance for the use of mobile devices in school.

You can view and download a copy of the guidance here: ‘Mobile Device Guidance’