Thank you for considering Driffield School and Sixth Form for your child’s secondary education.
Driffield School is dedicated in supporting a smooth and successful transition from primary to secondary school. Our transition team will work alongside primary school staff, parents/carers and pupils to provide support throughout Year 6.
Autumn Term of Year 6
Driffield School offers a Year 6 Open Evening every September. allowing enough time for an informed choice to be made on your child’s secondary school. We welcome all prospective Year 7 pupils to Driffield School on this evening and it provides the opportunity to meet our staff, tour our site and visit our subject areas and ask any questions.
The deadline for secondary school applications can be found on the East Riding Council website.
The Spring/Summer Term of Year 6
During the Spring and Summer term Year 6 staff will complete a data collection on all pupils, including a more comprehensive SEND document where appropriate and all of this information is shared with the relevant secondary school. This information allows us to identify any additional support that pupils may need and allows us to sort pupils into their tutor groups and teaching groups.
The Transition team will visit our feeder primaries to talk to Year 6 pupils about their transition to Driffield School and answer any questions they may have.
Towards the end of the summer term, your child will attend Driffield School for our induction day. Pupils will meet their tutor and teaching staff, learn to navigate their way around the site, go to a variety of lessons and have the opportunity to make new friends
On the evening of the induction day all parents/carers are invited to hear a talk from the Headteacher, meet staff and ask any questions they may have.
Autumn Term of Year 7
Early in the first term, there is a Year 7 Settling In Evening, where you can meet with your child’s tutor and discuss how well your child is settling in.
Please see below links to further information about our Y6 transition.
Letters to Parents/Carers and Students
March 2025