Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Loftus
Mrs Dalton
Deputy Headteacher - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Holmes
Deputy Headteacher - Curriculum and Standards
Mr Fisher
Assistant Headteacher - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Evans
Assistant Headteacher - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & EVC
Mr Andrews
Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Warren
Assistant Headteacher and SENDCO - Designated Teacher for (P)LAC
Mr McDonald
Assistant Principal
Mrs Hogben
Director of Maths
Mrs Collins
Director of English
Mrs Backhouse
Director of Science
Mr Davison
Key Stage 3 Pastoral Director & Head of Holtby House
Mr Hunt
Key Stage 4 Pastoral Director & Head of Johnson House
Mrs Morrison
Executive Assistant to the Senior Leadership Team
Miss Lord
HR Manager