External Partnerships

Tigers Trust Inspires Programme –

PL Inspires is a secondary school project funded by the Premier League Charitable Fund since 2019. At Tigers Trust the PL Inspires project works with students in secondary schools that typically face barriers to them achieving their full potential such as low confidence and self-esteem, attendance, or social skills*. 
Activities are delivered at school sites by our staff focused at developing students’ personal skills and supporting them to become more aware of next steps in education and the working world. Activity specific opportunities also provide the chance for students to engage with external visits, collapsed curriculum days, sports activities, gain qualifications and work towards a variety of incentives.


Young Gentlemens Project

We are proud to introduce one of our most popular projects, The Young Gentleman’s Project. Our aim is to help young boys to be the best version of themselves. 
YGP is an 8-week programme delivered in schools, here is an insight of our sessions. 
The key focus of our YGP is to work with hard-to-reach pupils promoting positive role models and looking at areas around being a Young Gentleman. 
Below is a session-by-session overview of the programme ( Impact will be measured at the end of each session.) : 
Introduction and discussion on the YGP values. Conducting individual audits highlighting personal strengths, weaknesses and areas for development. 
 Qualities of a young leader – Covering areas such as, empathy, kindness, compassion, and love for others. 
Personal conduct in and out of school. Modelling responsible behaviour . 
Assigned job in school – interview training. (liaising with school staff for possible roles) 
Implementing individual strengths in and around school. Creating change amongst peers and influencing others. 
Interactive workshop on social responsibilities including preparation for public speaking. 

Certificates are presented at an assembly (once personal pledges for change within Home, School and Community are signed off by all stakeholders) At the end of the final session the Young Gent’s will earn their YGP tie, in the presence of their parents and carers. 
